We take brands to the next level and rejuvenate ones not meeting their potential. If you want to build your business we can help.
We take brands to the next level and rejuvenate ones not meeting their potential. If you want to build your business we can help.
A brand at its core is best defined by owning a point of view. Great brands stand for something. More specifically they stand for just one thing. Too many marketers believe that the broader they position their brand the more people they will attract. What happens is the exact opposite – too broad, too bland, too boring attracts no one. Great branding is all about clarity of message. Southwest airlines – low fares. Disney – family fun. Fed Ex – on time delivery. Learn More
Great brands make it easy for their customer to buy. Abundant information, speed, and ease of purchase are all components of a new paradigm focused on eliminating friction. Amazon doesn’t sell things you can’t get anywhere else. Their entire brand is built on upon removing friction from the process of buying products.
We eliminate friction from your system to build sales and enhance your brand. Learn More
Strong brands don’t sell a product, they sell a new way of thinking. Information, and value propositions are not enough to sell innovative products, marketers have to change not only what customers think, but how they think. Without the right mental model, they won’t see the problem, understand the benefits, or make the change.
The really good innovations – the ones that change things — need to be explained before they’re accepted Learn More
Envision not only develops great brand strategies we bring them to life. By integration of branding with custom website development and digital marketing we ensure a one-sight, one-sound message to the market.
Website Development
As an industry thought leader, Envision publishes marketing guides to assist clients and prospective clients. Please feel free to download our two latest guides.
Not Looking to be Sold: Rise of the Self Directed Buyer
Barbarians at the Gate: Protecting Your WordPress Website from Hackers